At Anilsm Transformations, I work to provide you the tools you need to take charge of your own transformations.  

Anil is a visionary. He is inspirational and enables others to discover their best selves, promote compassionate action, and encourage positive change, both individually and organizationally.
— Craig Darling, President Emeritus, Companis

About Rev. Seifu anil singh-molares

With over 35 years of diverse studies under his belt, including Zazen meditation, an experiential shamanic education, and a couple of academic degrees, a BA in Philosophy from the University of Rochester and a Master's in Theological Studies from Harvard University, Rev. Seifu Anil Singh-Molares is an experienced Spiritual Companion, and Transformation Consultant.

Seifu Anil has had the privilege of working with some of the world's leading spiritual teachers, and believes that we are all our own best spiritual guides. If we follow our own inner light, it will naturally enable us to achieve peace, serenity and the transformation of our various obstacles into opportunities.  Seifu Anil will provide you with the tools to facilitate your own inner guide.



Seifu Anil has a background in the corporate world. He was a corporate executive at Microsoft corp for over twelve years.  Additionally he is also a non-profit expert, having founded both the Preeclampsia Foundation and the Compassionate Action Network.  He is currently the Executive Director of Spiritual Directors International (SDI).

He specializes in Spiritual Companionship and transformation consulting, to both individuals and groups.  He is also a well regarded public speaker and a Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow, having visited, lectured and taught at over two dozen universities in that capacity.

Seifu Anil believes that life is immanent with possibilities, both seen and unseen, and is committed to working with individuals to help them rediscover their own innate wisdom.