Who Benefits from Our Services


In our lives we are in a process of constant changes and transformations, usually imposed on us from the outside, more often than not as a result of our  immediate circumstances, employment, and the influence of friends, family and teachers, among many factors.  On rare occasions, we are more deliberate about our transforming, for instance when we choose a partner, an educational or career path, or a spiritual direction.  What if you were to decide to make transforming part of our normal ongoing lives, starting right away?  If you find that you have been leaving this kind of thinking to a rainy day, or as a beloved hobby when you have the time for it, it may be time to act.  I specialize in giving people the tools and insights they need to become fully empowered and present in making the important choices that allow them to transform their lives in healthy, productive and positive ways.

Click here to schedule a consultation or appointment.

Corporate Clients

Many organizations can become stuck in the patterns that first fostered their success, patterns that though they were initially successful and helpful may have become impediments to further growth, change and evolution.  We all  have a tendency to fall back on what we know, what we are comfortable with and what has led to our success, however we defined it, in the past.  But sometimes we need to shake ourselves and our organizations up, and remind ourselves that our lives are constant, ongoing efforts to learn new approaches and perspectives, so that we can reach higher and achieve new plateaus. 

If you find that your organization has become stuck and is having difficulty to move forward beyond a certain point, click here for a consultation.


non-profits, community groups

If you are a member of a non-profit, belief in the worthiness of your cause is often frustrated by the difficulty in interacting with a variety of individuals and groups, and with fundraising challenges and other organizational dynamics.

Finding the right balance between idealism and practicality has led to the undoing of many great groups and institutions.  If you find yourself and your group on the edge of this paradox, you may benefit from consulting with me.

Anil has spent two decades in the non-profit world, and has successfully founded and run two world class non-profits: the Preeclampsia Foundation and the Compassionate Action Network (now the Charter for Compassion International).  He successfully raised funds from groups as diverse as TED, the Fetzer Institute, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and many others.

Click here to make an appointment to review your status.



